Wednesday 10 June 2020

 {paperback / 432 pages | publisher: Hot Key Books}

Lemme tell you, when I got this from Net Galley, I didn't expect to also get a physical copy from the author, Holly Race. I have this stunning paperback (how gorgeous is this cover?!) at home and an eBook to take to work with me. I can't thank them both enough. Okay..onto what we are here for. Grab a cuppa and maybes your favourite online book store so you can pop this book into your baskets and ask the question, Are you safe when you are sleeping?...

Midnight's Twins tells the story of our protagonist, Fern. This gal lives with her twin brother Ollie and her Dad. Fern is a bit of an outsider and when bullies took their antics too far, Fern was scarred for life and her brother hates her. Oh and their mother, Una, died in her sleep when they were quite young and that is just given to you in the first 3 chapters.

Fern discovers that there are two worlds (after some mysterious text messages) This world and the dream world called Annwn where she tries to uncover the death of her mother after being told she was murdered in Annwn. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN...

Holly brings us into the world of Arthurian legends and Dream Magic. Set in London, Annwn is almost identical to the real world but there's a castle in St Paul's Cathedral, Dolphins in the Thames, no biggy. She did such a good job of describing this world that even I want to dream about it. Annwn was built by dreamers, which is brought to life by memories and inspires them in the real world but when Fern enters this world she is told that where there are dreams, there are nightmares and that's where the Knights of Annwn come in to play. Defenders of the dream world, their job is to fight off these Nightmares but as all good books have, we need a villain and oh boy, do we have a villain. This villain wants to control people using their dreams! So what do Fern and Ollie do, they train to become the Knights they were meant to be,while finding out they both have a rare magical gift.

The character development is so good. I just love Ollie's growth throughout the book. There's action and a ton of it, there's mystery and intrigue and there's just some down right shocking moments.

I'll admit, I did struggle with pronouncing some of the names in my head. Which puts me off ever so slightly when reading a book because I have to go research how to say these words. I also felt like not much time had passed from Fern and Ollie learning how to wield their powers and training as a Knight to being thrown into dangerous missions considering they were new to the world. We understand early on that Fern possesses more power but that doesn't mean she should just get thrown into the deep end.

I don't want to give much away because I really think you should read this book and delve into dream magic and the suspenseful journeys, Fern and Ollie go through.

It's a wonderful debut novel for Holly and I cannot wait for the sequel. When I found out it was going to be a trilogy, I squealed a little. I'm so excited for more Fern and Ollie. :D

RATING ~ 4/5


You can find Holly Race over @ Twitter  | Buy the Book:  Hive | Amazon

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