Sunday 6 October 2019

Park your brooms at the door, gather around the cauldron my children, it's time for another tag post!
This time it's dedicated to Horror Films! Get to know my tastes a bit better. And.. -puts ghost face mask on-  I want to know what your favourite scary film is. Let me know in the comments witches!

i. What is your favourite scary movie?
I wouldn't say I have a favourite scary movie, I have a favourite slasher film and that's Scream!

ii. Who is your favorite scream queen? 
Sarah Michelle Gellar all the way. 

iii. what type of horror film do you like?
I prefer slasher films, zombie films and films set in weird asylums and houses. I love 80s/90's slasher film such as Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Halloween, Childs Play and Urban Legend. 

iv what type of horror films do you not like?
I'm not a huge fan of snuff type horrors or torture porn films. I usually avoid if possible.

v. if you were a scream queen in any movie which one would it be?
Neve Campbell in Scream. Just because she survives so many times. Sydney Prescott you beautiful badass.

vi  who is your favourite horror movie villain and why
I think my fave horror villain is Death from Final Destination. You can run from Jason, you can hide from Michael, you can banish a ghost but you can't run or hide from death itself! It doesn't matter where the characters go or do, death always wins.

vii. who is the worst horror villain and why
Ok even though I love this film but Ben Willis from I know what you did last summer and the sequels to that. All he does is harbour a grudge. His motivations are confusing in the sequels and the guy is just uninteresting. 

viii what is the worst horror film you've seen and why
The Blair Witch Project. omg I thought that film was so boring and I hate the whole "found footage" movie style. It just bored me.

ix. which horror film do you think is underrated?
Sinister. I really liked that film and barely anyone seemed too. The film footage is creepy af and its just a freaky film that needs more love.

x. which horror film do you think is overrated?
I have many overrated films. Saw being one of them. The films are so over done. Oh and The Sixth Sense... its not that great.

xi. do you like horror movie spoofs?
I guess. It's comedy and I watch comedy but they usually just bore me.

xii what is you favourite horror movie series
definitely the Scream series. I'm always curious as to which family member it turns out to want to kill Sydney next and its fabulous.

xiii. name 13 horror villains

freddy kruger
micheal myers

If you love horror then I chose you to complete this tag!

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